It's been a while since I have written a post. There is so much to say, but not enough time to put it all on paper. Most of you may not know that when I'm not writing or crocheting I am working my day job OR is that the other way around. I know right...

So I work for a nonprofit that helps the homeless. I have worked with this organization now for the past 9 years, and I can honestly say it has helped me to be more grateful for the things that I have. Family, friends, the roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on my table, and the support system that I have. You cannot begin to appreciate it until you meet a mother and her 2 children (one who is autistic) who have been living in their car for 2 weeks because they have nowhere to go.
Well for the month of March they are having a fundraiser - Hops for Homes. I have signed up to be a hopper to raise funds for our homeless brothers and sisters in Union County, NJ. Ok so here's the deal, you pay me $30 and I will hop for 1 min. Pay $60 and I will hop for 2 minutes. You get the idea. I will even video myself hopping so that you can see your money at work :). I am trying to raise $500. WILL YOU HELP ME!!!
I ALREADY have $30 for my first hop. I will be posting the video on social media or in the next post you will see a grown woman hop. Here is my link to support a worthy cause and to see me hop. NOW if you don't want to see a grown woman hopping all over the place you can just make a donation. Click on the word SUPPORT.
Thank you in advance for your donation. I am so excited to be doing this. Maybe I'm just a kid at heart.